"Everyone asks about the nude scenes in On the Road, but I also had to dance, and dancing is harder than being naked. My character, Marylou, is so exuberant, and I had five minutes to do something that showed she was sort of like the craziest motherfucker around. In the book, it says, "Dean takes Marylou and they do a love dance and no one can take their eyes off them." It's one sentence. And I was mad-intimidated by it.
We did the dance four times to the song "Salt Peanuts". By the end, I was as red as a fire truck. I was holding onto Garrett (Hedlund) because I was going to fall over. I almost passed out every single time."
Non-Scan: Source via kstewartfans
HQ Scans: SupermodelScans
Untagged by TKS
Thank you.
Beautiful and smart girl!