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Sunday, January 28, 2024
Video: 'Love Lies Bleeding' interview with Collider from Sundance 2024
Saturday, January 27, 2024
'Love Lies Bleeding' Reviews from Sundance
EW it’s Stewart and O’Brian who bring the film back to reality, anchoring Lou and Jackie’s love story with the giddy obsession of two people who feel they’ve finally found their soulmate. Stewart is the film’s beating heart, and the actress masterfully sheds Lou’s cool façade as she and Jackie sink deeper into trouble. But O’Brian is also excellent as Jackie, who pursues her goals with a single-minded, starry-eyed fury (whether that’s a body-building title or Lou’s heart). It’s a brutal, bloody, and discombobulating ride, but boy, is it a blast.
Discussing Film Kristen Stewart and Katy O’Brian have the kind of instant chemistry that sizzles off the screens. Through recent projects like Spencer and Crimes of the Future, Stewart continues to prove herself as one hell of a character actress. Her brooding, rough-and-tumble protagonist Lou splits the difference between earnest concern and embodying the archetype of a roguish anti-hero.
Collider Love Lies Bleeding thrives on the performances of Stewart and O’Brian as both are electric every time they’re on the screen. In Stewart’s performance, every twist and turn and their impact on her character can be felt in the way she fights through the most terrifying moments, and just the way she shifts her eyes or makes her lips tremble tells us everything we need to know about what she’s thinking in these difficult scenarios without saying a world. Stewart is also having a hell of a lot of fun, and as the film pumps up the stakes, she is more than willing to become an unwilling action star of sorts, meeting each obstacle with the strength they require.
Out Starring a terrific Kristen Stewart, a terrifying Ed Harris, and a brilliant breakout performance from Katy O’Brian, Love Lies Bleeding is a movie that will stick with you forever.
Roger Ebert Of course, it helps that the usually-great Kristen Stewart knows exactly what to do here, playing Lou not as a wide-eyed loser who is just trying to escape her life, but a strong voice made louder by her love for Jackie. It’s important that Lou isn’t a victim in this tale, and Stewart nails a character who is somehow both confident and vulnerable at the same time. She’s the cleaner (and I also love how much “Love Lies Bleeding” focuses on how acts of violence have a very practical aftermath that someone has to clean up.) It’s a great performance.
Slashfilm "Love Lies Bleeding" feels refreshingly honest in its depiction of love and how messy it can be. Stewart and O'Brian have a fantastic chemistry that holds the screen but never feels self-reflexively "movie star-ish," their vibe so down-to-earth that you may be fooled into thinking the film could be naturalistic at times.
IGN A deep dive into the kinkiest recesses of its creator’s mind, this is a film that’s pure “WTF?” in the best way possible.
For Reel As expected, Kristen Stewart is fantastic in her role as Lou, showing a wide array of emotions and some hilarious line deliveries, especially with Ed Harris, who plays her devious father.
After an already high-octane first two acts, the grand slam of the finale works extremely well, as Glass makes some big swings that some viewers might find hamfisted, forced, or out of left field. Although I did feel somewhat underwhelmed by the finale, it still works in the grand scheme of the narrative. Love Lies Bleeding is as white-knuckle as thrillers can get, and is undoubtedly one of the best thrillers of the decade so far.
Journey into Cinema Starring Kristen Stewart as an introverted gym manager with a dark past and featuring Katy O’Brian in a towering physical performance as aspiring bodybuilder Jackie, Love Lies Bleeding is the ultimate lesbian revenge thriller we’ve all been waiting for. Stylistically invigorating and continually surprising, people will be talking about this for ages.
Austin Chronicle It’s a propulsive, energetic love story by way of 1980s tinged pulp, a wild ride that deserves to be seen on a big screen and with the biggest crowd possible. In her 2019 debut feature, Saint Maud, Glass showcased an aptitude for stories about obsession and magical realism. In Love Lies Bleeding, she cements her voice and gift for capturing these themes in the loudest way possible.
The Film Stage Stewart, who has become the Sundance queen with her other starring role in Love Me, sinks into her signature chain-smoking agitated state but adds another anxious level while Jackie takes the reins of this movie, easing its veers into the uncanny and grotesque with her determined eyes and imposing stature. You can’t help but get lost in her spiraling, mostly because the movie starts spiraling with her. The adrenaline ride is fueled by misunderstandings, secrets and, yes, lies, but Glass never loses the thread––or the pulsating feeling––of everyone’s manic reactions.
'Love Me' Reviews from Sundance
We have collated several 'Love Me' reviews that came from the premiere and screenings at Sundance 2024.
Click on the links for the full view.
Gizmodo Stewart and Yeun, as one might expect, are excellent in the film—they are expressive, vibrant, broken, and joyous. Each gets to show the full scope of human emotion from a wholly unique point of view. And when Love Me is about that love and relationship, it’s at its best.
IGN Stewart and Yeun are equally attuned, as voice actors, to the tragicomedy in every scene. Yeun reaches a place of heartrending despondency as Iam, while Me is arguably the perfect role for Stewart, who – as Me impersonating Deja – spends much of Love Me analyzing her own speech patterns and finding the meaning behind them.
Love Me is a film about deep insecurity and feelings of incompleteness, reflected back to us by mechanical beings who are left listless and adrift for literal eons. As much as its focus is technological, it’s an emotional exploration too – a wry and thoughtful magnification of what life feels like when you lose and re-discover your purpose, or you learn to see yourself through someone else’s eyes.
Variety ** May have some spoilers **
A stunningly constructed if overcomplicated sci-fi fable about how humans put unfair expectations on relationships, Sam and Andy Zuchero's audacious love story is best when its human stars are on-screen.
The Playlist As “Love Me” unfolds, it becomes an exercise to explore how very human emotions affect evolving artificial intelligence beings. Although referring to it as an exercise sounds unfairly cold. The movie is certainly not that. Both Stewart and Yeun bring passion to their characters.
Deadline Love Me is an imaginative film that plays with the concept of a meet-cute between inanimate objects. This film proves that reinventing the wheel isn’t necessary to craft an engaging narrative. By altering the environment, dynamics and subjects, it breathes new life into a familiar trope.
Pajiba ...the movie is emotionally resonant and holds our attention with its charm and excellent acting performances. While the pacing may feel slow and repetitive, the film delivers its message effectively. It is a unique romance story that takes an AI’s perspective, exploring how we function and learn about love, as well as how machines learn to be alive and in love. This reminds us to look inward and ignore the external noise to shape our identity.
Next Best Picture Stewart is fantastic. She’s an actress who already feels like she delivers every line with layers of potent meaning, which helps to bring the reflective character to life. The buoy frequently repeats itself as it delves deeper and deeper into the aspects of human life that it wishes to understand and mimic, for which Stewart is well-equipped. At times, it almost feels like we’re witnessing her practicing her lines using various acting exercises, finding new dimensions and interpretations for each line.
Thursday, January 25, 2024
'Love Lies Bleeding' will open the Glasgow Film Festival on 28 February 2024
'Love Lies Bleeding' will open the Glasgow Film Festival on 28 February for its UK premiere. The film festival will run until 10 March.