
Monday, February 18, 2013

Sam Riley mentions Kristen (Glamour UK)

How long did it take to shoot?

It was a long shoot. There was a month of preparation in Montreal, Beatnik Boot Camp it was called. And then it was five months shooting. I think we started in Montreal in the summer, and we needed real snow while Kristen was still available, because she was gonna go off and do the last Twilight movie. Obviously, Walter would only use real snow, and he remembered a road in Patagonia that, at the time of shooting The Motorcycle Diaries, he felt looked too American. So the four of us flew to Argentina. It wasn't in the original schedule - after a week of being in Montreal, we all went down there for five days. Which was surreal, really. And there was plenty of snow. Blizzards! Then we went back to Montreal, then we went to Louisiana, then we were meant to go to Mexico, but there'd been some sort of drug war in the area we were meant to go to, so they moved the whole thing to Phoenix, Arizona, which wasn't on the schedule either. Then we did go to Mexico for a few weeks, then we went to Calgary on the other side of Canada, then it was back to Montreal and we finished in San Francisco.

How much of your own driving did you do?

I don't do as much driving as Garrett. He was amazing - he bought one, a Hudson. So he knew everything about these cars, he was an excellent driver. I needed glasses, which I didn't tell anyone about! And one day they put Eric in the middle of the road with the camera and said, "Drive as fast as you can, and stop as close to the camera as you can." I was sat next to Kristen, and... I don't remember. He was just a dot and a blur, until we got quite close. After the take, Kristen was like, "Wow, you loved that! Dude, you had your face right up against the windscreen!" And I was like, "Yes, because I couldn't see a thing!"

Was it strange that Kristen was in and out of the shoot?

Yeah, but she was there for the first three months. It was strange with the other people. I finished a day after Garrett, but we were there from the very first day of Boot Camp to the very last second of wrap. And on the way, people came and went the whole time. Steve Buscemi was there for a week. Kirsten Dunst would be there, then she'd go, then she'd come back. Same with Viggo Mortensen. We just kept travelling around America, and people would come and work. And I'd never seen America either, really, so that worked for my character, to see all these things for the first time.

Read his full interview at GlamourUK 

Via @KstewAngel thank you.

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