
Friday, December 21, 2012

Garrett mentions Kristen with Shockya

Q: You and Kristen had great chemistry, so how did you guys develop that?

GH: I think it was from being around each other for the four weeks before we began filming. We were all in the same room all day, everyday. We went over material, and were reading a lot of the writings. That was a time for us to share with each other, like anything one had encountered.

Also, Walter shared with us what he discovered on his research. All day, everyday, it was Sam, Kristen and I in this apartment with Walter, listening to jazz, reading. It was one big study hall, so that’s where it came from.

Also, she’s not a hard one to get along with. She’s really great, and really dedicated to this. Everyone who was in this was great, and accepted everyone else as a family.

Read Garrett's full interview at the source: shockya

Via @KstewAngel thank you.


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