
Monday, November 28, 2011

Video: Kristen, Rob and Taylor''s Interview with Polsat

I: How do you cope with such popularity when thousands of people are screaming your name?

Rob: It's nice, but it's part of our job. Besides premieres and promo time it's quite calm, we can live our normal lives.

I: Did you expect that this film would be a huge success all over the world?

Rob: Not at all. The first film had a really low budget, it was an indie, nobody expected this craziness. Then it exploded. In two weeks our lives changed so much.

I: Everything that happened next was a surprise for you?

Rob: Yeah, totally.
Taylor: It's so wonderful to meet this family - my mates from set and the fans.

I: It's nearly the end of the saga. Are you happy or will you miss Bella?

Kristen: Well, I feel really lucky and I have no regrets. Sometimes it's hard to leave something behind if you're part of it for such a long time.
I love this set, I love the memories. I'd like to have an open door and see a light there to be able to reminisce this adventure back.

Taylor: It's cool that we, actors, can start to make other movies now. But I'll miss this.

I: What will you miss the most?
Taylor: We got along with each other. I treat this crew like my family. The saga brought so much joy to us.
Kristen: Special greetings for you. I hope you'll enjoy the film.Taylor: Thank you so much and have fun watching Breaking Dawn.

YT Source  Transaltion by @lalaith466 via  robstenation via @KstewAngel - Thank you!

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