
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Hayley Williams mentions Kristen with Nylon

If there’s any doubt about Williams’ ability to build a brand, look no further than “Corporate Nightmare Song,” a digital short from last November’s Kristen Stewart-hosted episode of Saturday Night Live. In the skit, about punks working an office job, Stewart channeled Williams circa RIOT!, complete with asymmetrical red hair and skinny jeans. “Dude, I've never lived harder than that moment,” Williams says. “She called Lindsey — that's my connection to her, not Twilight, contrary to popular belief [Paramore contributed the song “Decode” to the Twilight soundtrack] — and was like, ‘You and Hayley need to watch SNL tonight.’ When I saw it the next day, I died. The whole skit was perfect. The skit literally felt like I was attacked a little bit.”

Stewart herself almost had her hand in a small aspect of Petals For Armor. “She was going to direct the video for ‘Roses/Lotus/Violet/Iris,’” Williams says. “She wrote the most beautiful treatment that I'd ever seen; I was floored. She's a fabulous writer.” The video didn’t happen, however, with schedules and timing ultimately not aligning. ”Maybe it'll still happen,” Williams says. “Maybe at the end of all this, that's what I'll get to do.”

Read the full interview at the source.

Thursday, April 9, 2020